Robbie Lockie

Robbie Lockie

Robbie Lockie was born in Zimbabwe, Africa, where he started his career in digital design in 1999. He then came to London in 2000 to further his career in design, media, and communications. He has worked with a variety of ethical brands, notably managing the website infrastructure rebuild and relaunch for Veganuary. In 2016, he co-produced a short documentary, SWINE for UK Animal charity Viva. He has been involved in a number of online campaigns, including Move Your Money, a charity helping to raise awareness about ethical banking. In 2017 Robbie co-founded the online platform Plant Based News with Klaus Mitchell, to act as a global platform for change. The platform reaches over 70 million people each month. In 2020, Robbie also co-founded VAAO, an online media platform to further the conversation about human rights in the vegan community, alongside Iye Bako, Ellen Flores, and Dominick Thompson. He is also a trained digital campaigner and lives in South London with his partner and his ginger cat Nala.