Deanne O'Rear-Cameron

Deanne O'Rear-Cameron

Deanne is a business and personal development consultant, aging-in-place specialist and senior advocate with experience in both the senior and healthcare fields. She often works directly with seniors, individuals with disabilities, and their families, providing her with a broad understanding of the enormous challenges we face as we get older. Along the way, she has discovered that having the right mindset is the key to success in everything—including the aging process. Deanne began her consulting career in 1991 with SMI/LMI, providing corporations with training in motivation, time management, communications, and personal leadership skills. In addition to her current business consulting practice, she is also the chairperson for the City of Las Vegas Senior Citizens Advisory Board; a board member of the National Aging in Place Council who is establishing a local chapter to Southern Nevada; a member of the Seniors and Law Enforcement Together Council; and a Certified Nevada Veterans Advocate. Deanne is committed to helping seniors and the chronically disabled age in place with dignity and respect, and remain independent as long as possible. People can also find Deanne occasionally entertaining audiences with music and dance, alongside her husband, Sythe.