Letitia Jones

Letitia Jones

Letitia Jones believes in the magic of the written word to transport readers to a thousand worlds. During a mad trip to Dublin in 2010, she wrote her first 10,000 NaNo words on a series of bar napkins. She cut her teeth as an ML and then as a moderator. When she’s not in the forums, Letitia can be found protecting her hoard of 200 mugs and coffee cups. At the intersection of community, culture, and activism is also what Letitia is about: Driven, focused, and energetic cultural worker and engineer of black spaces using public crowdfunding, radical nerdship, pop culture, and direct action. As a community organizer and grass root activist I center the lived experiences, legacies, histories, and cultural impact of oppressed persons of the African Diaspora, especially women, femme, and other LGBTQ persons. Specialty areas include relationship-building across stakeholders, organizations and teams, presenting and interpersonal communication. Well versed in domestic and international politics, fundraising, team leadership, volunteer recruitment and training. Keen interest in eradication of intimate partner violence, lowering BAME/BIPOC mother and infant mortality rates, and decriminalization of sex work. Drop In to get to know Letitia and find out how she and her organization, NaNoWriMo can help you become the writer you've always wanted to be!