Susan Jane

Susan Jane

Susan has spent over 30 years encouraging people to connect, develop and trust their intuition to enable them to make confident decisions in line with their true core values. But her life hasn’t been that simple. It changed dramatically when her 20-year emotionally abusive marriage ended. She had to reconnect and rediscover who she was and what she really wanted. How do you make the right decisions in life when, for most of it, other people had made them for you? There was only one choice to make. She had to trust who she was and the decisions she was going to make. Yes, it wasn’t going to be easy and certainly not simple but it can be done once you learn to trust. Her strength lies within, as she relies strongly on her intuition to guide her towards her goals in life. She has learnt to trust this power and teach others to do the same through the tools She has developed over her lifetime. It is time to enjoy your journey and start trusting in yourself.