Jesse Apollo

Jesse Apollo

Jesse Appollo, native of Atlanta, GA is a wife, mother of two fur babies, and lover of nature. Growing up in a gardening family gave her the love of the outdoors and fresh veggies. Over the years, she has spent time learning the do's and don'ts of vegetable gardening. Being a lover of science has made gardening that much more of an adventure for her. Understanding the right balance of light, water, and nutrients to make the garden grow has been a journey. The biggest thing Jesse has learned over the years is there are various ways to garden and not just in the ground. Living in a small urban community with very little yard space has allowed Jesse to experiment and understand how to garden in small spaces. This was especially true when Covid hit and everyone was trapped at home. Quarantine gave her the opportunity to really turn back to her roots (pun intended!) Being at home and getting more time to garden made Jesse realize that the stress of corporate America was negatively impacting her mental and physical health. As taught by her parents and grandparents, gardening is a great way to relax and get that needed low impact exercise to counteract stress. Which is what led Jesse to write Start Your Urban Gardening The Right Way.