Elizabeth Hack

Elizabeth Hack

Elizabeth Hack is the founder and editor of San Francisco Peace and Hope, a literary arts publication. SFPH began the day after the 9/11 tragedy with family ties in New York. Her grieving transmuted into a mission of peace as poets and artists came onboard. Her family ties continue with the Ukraine tragedy, her grandparents were from that region. They escaped the Czar and Holocaust relocating to New York. The loss and hope is calling out for Ukraine as she is collecting poetry for SFPH. Ms. Hack is also a mixed media painter. With her process she confronts the light and dark ultimately taking a meditative stance. Her work includes exhibits with the U.S. State Department Art Embassies program and she recently gave an artist talk. She received the Golden Seal award from the Dancing Poetry Festival and the Book of Week from the California State Library. The Lamorinda Arts Council presented a virtual show with a video featuring the book, San Francisco Peace and Hope: Light the Sky.