Vicki Le Mere

Vicki Le Mere

Vicki Le Mere is the author of the book Saving Face. Vicki believes that all women can look and feel great as they age without the need for plastic surgery. In this book, the author shares her many secrets to a lifelong journey of struggles and triumphs, and the keys she learned to finding true happiness, peace and beauty from the inside out. Vicki was born and raised in Canada where she worked as a model from age 15 to 30. She left Canada and came to Hollywood to pursue an acting career. She has appeared on stage, screen and television and has been doing stand-up comedy for over 20 years. She has owned her own costume jewelry business for 35 years. Vicki became a Buddhist at 38 and found the key to true happiness through her own inner transformation. She is a Buddhist leader and has helped countless individuals overcome their suffering.