Wendy Nash

Wendy Nash

Wendy Nash is a Meditation Coach. The company name says it all: Kindly Cut The Crap. Wendy teaches startup entrepreneurs the art of introspection to navigate the emotionally, physically and financially taxing process of founding a business. She believes the CEO is the foundation of whether a company does well and her observation is that whatever the CEO isn't owning within themselves is what gets played out at work. Her approach is to be kind and direct in order to see what’s hidden in the blind spot. Wendy has a 4-year somatic psychotherapy diploma and a Bachelor of Psychology Honors thesis studied the effects of loving-kindness meditation on prosocial behavior. She currently studies a 2-year diploma of Mindfulness & Compassion at the Insight Meditation Institute. She’s been practicing loving-kindness and other meditations for almost 20 years. If you think loving-kindness meditation is only for the soft and weak, bring to mind someone who rejected you and wish them kindness and care – it’s tough!