Linda  Klein

Linda Klein

Linda Klein, JD, began her career as an attorney. Out of law school, she was selected to do a coveted federal clerkship and went on to work with Fortune 500 companies at a global law firm. At 25, Linda, her fa¬ther, and three siblings watched their 55-year-old mom die from breast cancer, receiving no guidance around end-of-life care or what was to come after. As a result, she changed careers. She was recruited by the Department of Supportive Care Medicine, City of Hope to oversee the Sheri & Les Biller Patient and Family Resource Center where she developed integrated interdisciplinary programs focused on enhancing strengths and resiliency in cancer patients and caregivers. She contributed significantly to the Science of Caring portion of Medical Grand Rounds and assumed a leadership role in building the institution-wide advance care planning initiative. She currently leads bereave¬ment support groups at Our House, one of the largest nonprofit grief centers in California.