Dr. Mary Lee

Dr. Mary Lee

Dr. Mary Lee is the founder of Neighborhood Commerce Institute. NCI was born out of her personal experience, innate understanding of business, and ability to serve all people. Her track record as a business and grant/funding consultant is incomparable, resulting in winning proposals in the tens of millions of dollars. She is a skilled communicator, instructor, and project leader. Dr. Mary Lee actively participated in Barack Obama’s Presidential Campaign and worked in both of his Inaugural Committees. While campaigning she felt the energy of inclusiveness that she had only witnessed during the times of President John F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in her teenage years. Dr. Mary Lee’s drive and determination are seeds planted by her parents. Her father never learned to read or write, instead working in southern plantations from the age of six, whereas her mother, who finished the 12th grade in a southern school, did not officially graduate due to Jim Crow laws. Yet, they both valued education and contributed in every way to support Dr. Mary Lee’s efforts in learning and development. Dr. Mary Lee’s life is the history and driving force behind NCI. She firmly believes in economic equality for all and understands that Knowledge is Power.