Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek

Entrepreneur Simon Sinek reveals how a leadership edge in business, politics, or any arena of life is simply a matter of re-focusing the mind. In START WITH WHY: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action, Simon contends that exceptional leaders and companies share a common bond--they know WHY they do what they do. He explains why WHY matters. It begins with a cause or purpose—the WHY that inspires leaders to continue striving while inspiring followers to believe and take action. Providing a framework for launching a product, building a business, or turning an idea into a social movement, he proves that with a little discipline, anyone can learn to inspire. The show informs and encourages listeners to achieve their career goals by featuring experts and business leaders on job search and career advancement. Show hosts are Ken and Sheryl Dawson, principals of Total Career Success, Inc. and authors of Job Search: The Total System. For 7 free videos go to