Lewis Howes

Lewis Howes

Lewis Howes, pro-athlete and author of LinkedWorking: Generating Success on Linkedin. He is developer of SportsNetworker.com where he has put into practice the techniques he recommends to business people, consultants, and professionals to take their businesses, practices and careers to the next level. Besides his own success in applying relationship building strategies, Howes presents numerous success stories to demonstrate winning techniques in a variety of industries. He shares how to: See opportunities in everyone;Identify capstones and weak ties; Lead a life of altruism; Harness the power of reconnection; Be concise, compelling and value driven; Persist patiently. The show informs and encourages listeners to achieve their career goals by featuring experts and business leaders on job search and career advancement. Show hosts are Ken and Sheryl Dawson, principals of Total Career Success, Inc. and authors of Job Search: The Total System. For 7 free videos www.betterjobbetterlife.com