Michele Rosenthal

Michele Rosenthal

Michele Rosenthal is a trauma survivor who struggled with undiagnosed PTSD for 25 years. And then she was diagnosed and went on a healing rampage! Today, she is 100% PTSD-free and the founder of Heal My PTSD, LLC, an advocacy organization for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. She is also a Self-Empowered Healing Coach helping survivors release fear, pain and stress so they can live with courage, confidence and imagination. As a mental health advocate, public speaker, blogger, writer, workshop/seminar leader, Certified Professional Coach, Hypnotist, and Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Michele uses her personal experience, education, professional training and research to help others further their trauma and PTSD recovery. She works at a wellness center in Palm Beach Gardens, FL and can be reached via the Heal My PTSD website at www.healmyptsd.com.