Alastair Morrison

Alastair Morrison

Bachelors in Engineering and Masters in Hydrology & Environmental Management, Cambridge & London UK. • 9 years commercial water/sanitation/environment engineering – incl. Hong Kong, Mumbai and Malaysia during the Asian economic boom of the mid 1990s • Entered aid work through Redr – water & sanitation for Concern Worldwide following the severe Mozambique floods of 2000 • 2 years with Oxfam in Angola as the civil war ended 2001-3 • 3 years in Indonesia (UNDP support to government reconstructing water & sanitation infrastructure after the tsunami) and East Timor (ADB support to Ministry of Infrastructure) • 2 years at UNDP Water Governance Facility, co-coordinating global water governance projects, especially MDG GoAL-WASH project in off track and fragile states