Julie Wilson

Julie Wilson

Julie Wilson is a North Carolina native who suffered from severe gastrointestinal disorders her entire life. Sick and tired of relying on doctors and prescription meds, she decided to start doing some research on the human body. She discovered an amazing book about the healing properties of raw, organic super foods and after only 6 months of implementing the changes to her diet, her digestive problems were completely gone. This bred within her a deep, inner passion to continue to research and read all she could about the miraculous powers that lie within plant foods and herbs. She realized how many people, like her, were debilitated by health problems and had no clue the impact that diet and herbal remedies could have on the human body. Wilson joined partner, Joe Odell, and together in 2009 they formed Raw-Nation™, a company that explores and develops new ways to combine sustainably harvested, superior products to enhance your quality of life. They use only pure, natural, and organic ingredients, and their edgy, mainstream marketing campaign has given them national recognition by everyone from Playboy to the NFL. You can find out more about their debut product at HotRawks.com.