Ana Luque

Ana Luque

Ana Luque is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner & Nutritionist, and founder of the Salud Life Wellness Institute in Los Angeles, where she's practiced for10 years. Ana implements a holistic approach to health and rejuvenation, applying state-of-the-art science, along with Ayurveda, the 5000 year-old Indian wisdom of the Science of Life. Ana is the Author of The Yogurt Diet, a revolutionary book that dispels the healing, rejuvenating powers of yogurt Probiotics. Ana is also launching Nutribiotica, a new nutrition system based on your unique genetic makeup, using state of the art testing to treat issues around weight, food allergies, weakened immune system, persistent infections, skin problems, gastrointestinal disorders, infertility and sexual dysfunctions. Ana works with clients from around the world, doing private consultations over the phone and in person. Ana also travels to treat exclusive clients who wish to achieve maximum results a short time.