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Choose Your Energy: Change Your Life!

Choose Your Energy: Change Your Life!

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February 6th 2013: Your Personal Emotional Trainers

Personal Emotional Trainers, or PETs, include beings of all species, human and not. Relationships are the Doctoral Program of Personal Growth. Just when we think we’ve started to get the hang of unconditional self-love, the Universe raises the bar a few notches by sending us relationships. In this episode, Energy Healer and Animal Communicator, Sandi Ausman, and I explore the basics of spirit channeling and the role that relationships play in learning some of life’s most difficult and important lessons. I’ll reveal more about my acclaimed “Coaching Cats” and lead you on a deep dive into the pr

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Sandi Ausman

A Lightworker and Energy Healer for over 16 years, Certified ARCH Master Healer, Ordained Minister and Reiki Master, Sandi Ausman, incorporates Reconnective Healing, The Yuen Method, Spirit Channeling and EFT into her vibrational medicine. ARCH, or Ancient Rainbow Conscious Healing, comes from the ancient Kahuna traditions of Hawaii and employs all the rays of the Chakras and Rainbow. Sandi’s professional training includes 7 years with Laurie Grant in Boulder, Colorado and Hawaii. A 1996 Near Death Experience initiated Sandi’s own dynamic Spiritual Journey and training. Through her newest passion, Sandi has been called to be a Voice for the Animals. As an Animal Communicator, she chan
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