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The Business Edge
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April 3rd 2013: Business Growth and Leadership
What does it take to lead a business? How do you make sure you’re on the right track? What are the accelerators and what are the pitfalls? Linda Bush, in her work with executive leadership development at critical junctures, will show you how she has successfully applied the principles of Dr. George Ainsworth Land in his landmark book, Grow or Die: The Unifying Principle of Transformation to a variety of entrepreneurial and mid-size businesses.
Because Dr. Land asserts that we must understand the rules of survival and how they change as the business grows, we learn that we cannot ignore the
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Linda Bush
Linda Bush leads Bush Anderson & Associates, Inc., a Dallas-based global leadership development firm since 1992 that specializes in business leadership with a relentless focus on client results and satisfaction. Her creative, enthusiastic, collaborative approach to experiential training, coaching and speaking uses high-impact systems for individual, team and organizational excellence. Examples of these include BrainStyles, Appreciative Inquiry, SOAR, Women’s Collective Wisdom, GO Team! and Equine Lessons in Leadership.
Linda builds on 13 years of line management experience at IBM and 7 years teaching experience in consulting, training, and speaking in the following industries: manufactur
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