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Awakening to Conscious Co-Creation

Awakening to Conscious Co-Creation

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September 25th 2013: I Call Myself Earth Girl

When Gloria discovers that the baby in her womb was conceived in another lifetime, she must unravel the mystery that ties her to the past and the future. All Gloria ever wanted was a normal life. Instead she is having recurring dreams about Earth Girl, who recounts the story of her abduction and rape. When Gloria discovers that she is pregnant, despite her husband's long absence, she begins to question her sanity. Could she really be carrying Earth Girl's baby? Can she save her marriage while unravelling the mystery that ties her to the past and future and to a love that endures beyond time? J

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Jan Krause Greene

Jan Krause Greene lives in a suburb of Boston. While raising five sons, she wrote “HOMEFRONT”, a popular newspaper column chronicling her life as mother, teacher and writer. Currently the co-host of a cable television show, Oneness and Wellness - the Good News Show, she also presents her original poetry at a variety of venues. Self-described seeker and visionary, her poetry and fiction examine life's big questions from the perspective of characters both young and old, struggling to understand their place in the world. She believes war does not create lasting solutions, love will be the real revolution, and the human heart can expand until it holds love for the whole world. facebook Share On Facebook
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