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Today’s Inspiring Women
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January 23rd 2014: All Aboard...Insights for Women in Transportation and The 3 C's of Personal Branding
Rising to the top in the transportation industry, has typically been for men only. Our first guest Cam Morris is an executive in this industry and will give us insights on women in transportation and how women can break through the old boys network and be seen as a leader. She will also address how to deal with the challenges women face in the industry. Our second guest Connie Glover is a personal brand expert. She will give insights into the world of branding and how to be successfully build your brand in social media. Connie will share a simple step by step process for building a personal br
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Cam Morris
Cam Morris is the manager of Oneonta Bus Lines/Eastern Travel, a family owned and operated motorcoach company founded in 1947. She has been in the position for approximately 7 years and has been with the company since 1989. Additionally, Cam chairs the “Women in Buses Committee” for the American Bus Association, serves as the President of the Bus Association of New York State, was recently appointed to the American Bus Association Board of Directors and will serve as the 2015 Chair of the American Bus Association Marketplace being held in St. Louis, Missouri. Locally she also is a Director for the Oneonta Business Women’s Club. She is also the mother of two sons, one who works with her in
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Connie Glover
Connie Glover is the owner of CMarie Marketing Studio, an award-winning boutique marketing and P.R. firm. She specializes in digital personal branding, and in marketing and communications for companies that have sustainable products and practice sustainability initiatives.
The team of women professionals that make up the CMarie team have helped high-profile men and women develop, build, and protect their personal brands. They have also worked with major publishing houses in promoting books that their clients author, as extensions of their personal brands.
Connie has sales, marketing, P.R., and publicity experience in a variety of industries. She has 15 years of experience in the hospitali
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