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Financial Excellence with Game Changers, presented by SAP

Financial Excellence with Game Changers, presented by SAP

Tuesday at 7 AM Pacific /10 AM Eastern

March 17th 2014: Integrated Business Planning: Will Disruptive Tech Help or Hinder?

The buzz: Integrated planning. To be optimally effective, budgeting and forecasting require understanding your business today and being able to predict tomorrow. How? In an ideal world, your CFO and CIO will make this happen by seamlessly cooperating on Integrated Business Planning across the organization. Are they there yet? Will disruptive technologies like mobility, cloud, and in-memory databases help or hinder their relationship? The experts speak. Jeff Hattendorf, Macrospect: “The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thin

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Jeff Hattendorf

To borrow a phrase from the iconic stock brokerage advertising campaign, “When Jeff Hattendorf speaks, people listen.” In an industry characterized for doling out advice, Jeff comes up with solutions – based upon 25 years’ experience designing and implementing corporate finance solutions for the Fortune 500 across a variety of industries. As COO and co-founder of Macrospect, Jeff oversees every client engagement and plays an instrumental role in helping Macrospect clients gain clarity where it counts. A graduate of both the University of Texas at Austin and the TCU M.J. Neeley School of Business, Jeff is a former National Merit Scholar, current member of Mensa and frequent guest panelist, an
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Steve Player

Steve Player serves as the North America Program Director for the Beyond Budgeting Round Table (BBRT) and works with BBRT member companies to implement continuous planning processes. He has over 30 years of experience with improving performance management and implementing strategic planning processes. He is also the Managing Director of Beyond EPS Advisors, a Business consulting firm, and founder of ABM SMART. He is the co-author of Future Ready: How to Master Business Forecasting and Beyond Performance Management as well as five other books. He writes the “Finance Transformation” column for Business Finance Magazine featuring CFO interviews from leading organizations on innovative financ
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Floyd Conrad

Floyd Conrad is a VP at SAP responsible for driving the success of SAP’s Global Center of Excellence Planning & Analysis. He is a Planning & Analytics Evangelist with a demonstrated track record of over 30 years of experience. Floyd has knowledge and experience in helping organizations develop strategies for collaborative enterprise planning in Finance and other key LOBs.
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Share Email Share this E-mail 30/07/2024 07:00 30/07/2024 08:00 Financial Excellence with Game Changers, presented by SAP The buzz: Integrated planning. To be optimally effective, budgeting and forecasting require understanding your business today and being able to predict tomorrow. How? In an ideal world, your CFO and CIO will make this happen by seamlessly cooperating on Integrated Business Planning across the organization. Are they there yet? Will disruptive technologies like mobility, cloud, and in-memory databases help or hinder their relationship? The experts speak. Jeff Hattendorf, Macrospect: “The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking” (Albert Einstein). Steve Player, Beyond Budgeting: “To make the future happen … One has to be willing to ask: What do we really want to see happen that is quite different from today? ...” (Peter Drucker). Floyd Conrad, SAP: “It is far better to foresee even without certainty than not to foresee at all” (Henri Poincare). Join us for Integrated Business Planning: Will Disruptive Tech Help or Hinder? VoiceAmerica | Talk Radio | Online Talk Radio false DD/MM/YYYY Add to Calendar
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