Today's Kids

April 1, 2011
Hosted by Alana Hopka and Majestic Willingham

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Episode Description

Today’s Kids

Friday at 4 PM Pacific Time on VoiceAmerica Kids Channel

This forum opens the door for a kid’s perspective of today's world and the issues kids deal with every day. It's personal, it's all about sharing information, and of course, it's entertaining.

Alana Hopka and Majestic Willingham

Hi, I’m Alana. I was born in Phoenix, Arizona. I always enjoyed the performing arts and sports. I take part in my school's performing arts and have been playing softball, first base, for ten years. My other interests are editing videos, writing, singing, and working on classic cars and trucks. After high school, I plan to go to film school to become a director, where I can continue to enjoy my favorite consumption of fruit and tea. Co-hosting my show allows me to express the societal life of kids, while informing our audience of challenges and optimism kids face today.

I'm Majestic, a 16 year old theatre student who's currently a Junior in High School. When I'm not working at my mother's fitness center, I enjoy going to the park or movies with friends and just having a good time. I love to make people laugh. I talk a lot, so I'm super duper excited to have my voice echoing through the air waves. It's really important to let everyone know the daily life of kids today.

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April 2011

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