Problem Solving through Thwinking

December 30, 2016
Hosted by Holly Wells

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WHY has humanity been unable to solve the global environmental sustainability problem? All problems arise from their root causes, so If a solution fails it can only be because it did not resolve the root causes. If we want solutions that will work, problem solvers will have to change their approach. The Thwink approach identifies the root cause then finds solutions to resolve the subproblems identified. Key to the solution is finding the root cause of change resistance. The System Improvement Process provides problem solvers with a "fill in the blanks" framework that makes work much more focused and efficient. The SIP process is a systematic, analytical approach to problem-solving. "SIP is a process that fits the problem."

Stewardship through R.E.S.P.E.C.T

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel

Eye Love Nature explores through active discussion, various aspects of sustainable living. Each week, a different topic of sustainable living is featured, as Holly brings onto the program experts in various fields. The time for understanding and incorporating sustainability into our lifestyles is now. We are all global citizens, living in a single giant inter-connected ecosystem. What happens in one area of the world, impacts us all. It is critical that we are aware of how to improve our personal health and the health of the planet.

The model of being over-worked, stressed out, and oblivious to the world around us, is no longer viable. We must become engaged and take an active stand. Personal health and environmental awareness are critical elements to our survival.

Tune in for Stewardship through R.E.S.P.E.C.T, Join the discussion, and become a part of conscious, sustainable living.

Holly Wells

Holly Wells is a Consultant and Entrepreneur. She is President of Eye Love Nature, a non-profit organization promoting sustainable living. She founded Eye Love Nature after a recent self-prescribed sabbatical. ELN’s mission is to share information and access to sustainable living resources. Holly has spent more than twenty years working in Corporate America. She earned her undergraduate degree in Finance from Michigan State University. Later, while working as Assistant Controller at Aon, Holly earned her MBA from Loyola University of Chicago. Now, leveraging both her academic training and professional experience, Holly enjoys being an IT Finance Consultant and assisting her clients with increasing process efficiencies and improving their bottom line financial results. In addition to her previously mentioned academic credentials, Holly is also a Certified Eating Psychology Coach, and an internationally accredited Certified Dream Coach. These recent certifications were acquired after Holly had made the clear connection between improving an individual’s personal life circumstances, and how this very often leads to increased conscious leadership in all areas of one’s life. Holly is committed to promoting that everyone can take back control of their physical and mental health. She recommends focusing on eating organic, staying hydrated, taking time to celebrate, and connecting to nature.

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