Roni DeLuz

Roni DeLuz

Dr. Roni's background is a Registered Nurse of 25 years, a naturopathic Doctor, PhD in natural Health, Certified Colon Therapy and certified Hypnotherapist over 15 years. A graduate of the Clayton School of Natural Healing and the American Holistic College of Nutrition, she completed her doctorate in natural health. Originally from Connecticut, she graduated from Fairfield University with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Her experience includes five years at Yale New Haven Hospital specializing in rare syndromes and one and a half years as Director of Nursing at Regis Multi-Health Center in New Haven Ct. She worked in the best hospitals around the country as a nurse went back to school to learn about wellness and natural healing after a long illness that left her in a chronic debilitating state. Her colleagues who were nurses and doctors could not help her and she went on a mission to save her. She traveled the country for a cure after being left in bed for over a year. Dr. Roni discovered through her own research if you take away all toxic foods and give the body pure liquid foods that the body would increase in energy and have a decrease effect on pain.