Eva Black Tail Swan

Eva Black Tail Swan

Eva Black Tail Swan has been a Cherokee medicine elder for many years. I’m never sure what people will want to know about me. I am a private person when it comes to who I am and what I do, but it is really the integrity of a Medicine Person that makes it difficult for me to write or speak about myself in this way. Walking our Medicine Path (living our life purpose) is the true reason we are here. We put our energy and emphasis on the work we do rather than talking about it. We simply walk our path. That said, I can tell you that I have been teaching Native American Spirituality for many years. My classes include making drums, rattles, medicine bags, journey (meditation), and several self-empowerment classes. To learn more about Eva’s classes and services go to www.blacktailswan.net. Her cd Come Walk With Me has four types of journeys. Eva’s cd can be purchased at Satiama.com