Dr. Bill Greenman

Dr. Bill Greenman

Dr. Bill Greenman is a graduate of Florida State University and a former professional Christian circus acrobat. He was featured on the CBN 700 Club. He felt called to the corporate business world and helped a friend develop his business to the point of two million dollars in sales in 12 months. Since then he has been involved in the nutraceutical field helping people find and fulfill God’s purpose for their life. He has written two books: How To Find Your Purpose In Life and Purpose Destiny Achievement. He has a ministry in Kenya teaching people about God-given personal purpose and destiny. Dr. Greenman’s time is now divided between this ministry work and building his business on several continents. Dr. Greenman has a Master’s degree in Pastoral Ministry and a Ph.D. in Practical Theology. He is at the diamond level with the Max International company. Contact him: www.maxcentral.biz