Marbeth Dunn

Marbeth Dunn

Known as the Joy to Abundance Strategist and the TV Happiness Coach, MarBeth Dunn has a huge mission; to bring joy and happiness to millions. An empath and intuitive, MarBeth can accurately pinpoint the issues preventing you from living the magical, possibility filled life you richly deserve. Her powerful system facilitates magic and miracles, empowering her clients to release their resistance to success quickly and easily. She can teach you how to use your Body Wisdom, extra-sensory abilities, and the Quantum Field to create your new realities. Author of “The Joy Strategy: 31 Days to Health, Wealth, and Happiness,” MarBeth is host of The Great Metamorphosis on the Law of Attraction Radio Network. Her inspiring work has been featured on several television networks, including FOX, NBC, CBS, and WEYW 19, Key West. MarBeth Dunn has inspired thousands around the world through her mentoring, coaching, writing, speaking, classes, workshops, tele-calls, group and individual sessions.