Pat  Weller

Pat Weller

Pat Weller’s major activity for the past 20 years has been establishing and helping to run NeighbourLink Northumberland,, whereby 15 local churches of 11 different denominations work together to handle requests for assistance of many types and from many kinds of people. Her awards include the Ontario Medal of Citizenship, Rotary’s Paul Harris Award, and the Town of Cobourg Volunteer of the Year. She started a Milk & Meat program for Food Banks to encourage more protein to be included in hand-out packages for persons in need of a healthy meal. She helps young children with their reading, or by reading to children, in schools. She’s Secretary to the newly formed Cobourg Museum Foundation. She’s a Team Member assisting with distribution of financial aid to people in financial crisis. She also supports an agency which specializes in assisting underprivileged families. She grew up in the UK and left school early for family economic reasons.