Terah Kathryn Collins

Terah Kathryn Collins

Terah Kathryn Collins, best-selling author and founder of the Western School of Feng Shui, is also the originator of Essential Feng Shui®, bringing the many practical benefits of Feng Shui into every household. Her inspirational books, including The Western Guide to Feng Shui, Room by Room and The Three Sisters of the Tao, have sold over a million copies worldwide. With a passion for transformational education, Terah founded the Western School of Feng Shui in 1996 where over 2,000 people from 26 countries attended her signature Essential Feng Shui Practitioner Training. Terah now offers a variety of virtual and interactive courses that teach you how to “open your Feng Shui eyes,” recognize environmental imbalances, and know what to do to transform them. Featured on the PBS Body and Soul TV series, Terah has spoken on Essential Feng Shui at many special events, including the Magical Mastery and Today’s Wisdom Tours in Australia, and the Women of Wisdom, I Can Do It, and Empowering Women Conferences throughout the United States. Terah lives in coastal San Diego, CA. She may be contacted at support@wsfs.com or by visiting her website at www.wsfs.com