Gene  Golfus, MD

Gene Golfus, MD

Professional experience - Began 1985, Retired May, 2014 Staff Anesthesiologist, Department of Anesthesiology - Kaiser, Vallejo, Ca. Special Assignments: 2013: Facilitator for thinking and discussion of ERAS, Enhanced Recovery after Surgery, Vallejo and Vacaville Kaiser Permanente 2013: Trial of the Cheetah Nicom, Noninvasive cardiac output monitor. Presented to Northern and Southern California equipment committees as first clinical user 1995 - 2001: Napa/Solano Kaiser Vallejo, Ca. Medical Director of the Operating Room and Perioperative Services 1997-2001:Northern California, Co-chair of the Regional Perioperative Management Group (RPMG) 1987-96:Assistant Chief of the Department of Anesthesiology, Kaiser Vallejo 1997-98: International Consultant re:OR Management Kaiser International 1997-2000: Co-chair - Surgical Services Collaborative Practice Council, Napa Solano, Kaiser (A startup of a quality oversight group, to develop multispecialty, systems wide approach to the Operating Room and Periopertive services.) Education: 1983 - 1985 Mayo Clinic Rochester, Mn. Anesthesiology Resident 1979-83: Internal Medicine Resident , Hennepin County Medical Center Minneapolis, Mn. CHIEF RESIDENT 1982-83