Dr. Guido Wimmers

Dr. Guido Wimmers

Dr. Guido Wimmers is the chair of the new Master of Engineering in Integrated Wood Design Program at UNBC. Guido holds a master in engineering and architecture and a PhD in building science.

Prior to moving to Canada in 2007 he worked as a consultant designing and building Passive Houses in Austria, Germany, and Italy. Since in Canada, Guido has been invited to share his refreshing expertise with students of UBC, SFU and BCIT at lectures and has given numerous seminars and talks about the next leap in building technology at forums and international conventions including the GLOBE convention, the CAGBC summit, ICBEST, BCBEC or the World Conference in Timber Engineering.

Guido is one of the initiators of Canada’s first official Passive House in Whistler and has since then worked on Passive House projects all across Canada. He is also co-author of the Passive Design Tool Kit of the City of Vancouver and a founding director of the Canadian Passive House Institute.