Francis Weller

Francis Weller

Francis Weller, MFT, is a psychotherapist, writer and soul activist synthesizes disciplines to create pathways to “unforgotten wisdom” in the heart of the psyche. Author of The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work of Grief, he is widely published was featured inThe Sun magazine (October 2015. His organization, WisdomBridge, offers educational programs integrating the wisdom from traditional cultures with the insights and knowledge gathered from western poetic, psychological and spiritual practices. Francis received a B.A. from the University of Wisconsin Green Bay and two Master’s Degrees from JFK University (Clinical Psych and Transpersonal Psych). He is on staff at Commonweal Cancer Help Program, and is a frequent presenter and keynote speaker. He has taught at Sonoma State University, the Sophia Center in Oakland and the Minnesota Men's Conference and is currently completing his second book, A Trail on the Ground: Tracking the Ways of the Indigenous Soul.