Maggie Yanor

Maggie Yanor

Maggie Yanor is an astrologer with a B.Ed., B.A., and a diploma in social work. Maggie always had two passions: her relentless desire to help people, and astrology. While she followed one career, she continued pursuing her passion for astrology, and over the years she’s deciphered hundreds of astrological charts, and birthdays.
She found astrology to be the “blueprint of the soul”. She studied astrology, past lives, auras, psychics, hauntings, numerology, palmistry, and even biorhythms. Meanwhile, she never stopped asking people everywhere for their birthdate. She consistently delivered short, precise readings. What began as an interesting conversation starter, transformed into a lifelong commitment.
Maggie Yanor has been practicing Astrology for almost 50 years, and performing angel readings for over 20 years. She has studied, researched, practiced, and more importantly, made her passions a part of her life. She is talented and compassionate, and always delivers her best.