Linda Gillette Parodi

Linda Gillette Parodi

Founding PARODI Professional Care is the latest adventure on Linda Gillette Parodi’s incredible journey in the professional beauty world. Now, she has embarked on a new entrepreneurial journey as founder of PARODI Professional Care, the first company solely dedicated to satisfying the self-care and wellness needs of salon professionals, and their clients. Linda moved to Geneva, Switzerland, for global position in beauty. Throughout this phase of her career she remained a strong advocate for the hairstylist. Often asked why, when her global work has been so fulfilling, challenging and a font of knowledge, has she founded PARODI Professional Care, Linda’s response is simple. She realized that there was no one manufacturer looking at the hairdresser as an individual with the daily challenges she, or he, faces in order to help other people look beautiful. This was to become her mission in founding PARODI Professional Care.