Bethany  Orrick

Bethany Orrick

Bethany Orrick is a Certified Hypnotherapist who understands that healing and wellness are essential to living a life of balance and happiness and helps you discover that truth for yourself. Using guided meditation, Bethany works with you to unlock your best self to realize your full potential. Through this process you realize a sense of well-being, empowerment and freedom to make the best choices and decisions for you, and the life you want to live.
Bethany holds certifications in Core Strengths Coaching through San Francisco State University, The National Guild of Hypnotists, and AIA Certification in Hypnotherapy through the American International Association. She is the founder and leader of the Academy of Emotional Intelligence with offices in Las Vegas and San Francisco/Tiburon, California with leading experts and trainers who offer training courses, group and corporate sessions for conferences and meetings, and personal consultations.