David  Avrin

David Avrin

One of the most in-demand Business Marketing/Branding Keynote Speakers in the world today, David Avrin, CSP is known as The Visibility Coach. With a surprisingly irreverent and entertaining style, David delivers a profoundly insightful and hard-hitting message to business audience across North America and around the world. A celebrated and energetic keynote speaker, David Avrin has presented to enthusiastic audiences of: CEOs, business owners, associations, entrepreneurs, leadership teams, sales professionals, account executives, human resources and more. A former CEO group leader, and executive coach with the world’s largest executive organization, David has worked with thousands of CEOs and business leaders on their business brand and competitive advantages. David is the author of the celebrated: It’s Not Who You Know, It’s Who Knows You! (2014 Classified Press) and his latest book: Visibility Marketing! (2016 Career Press)