Laura  Lacey

Laura Lacey

Laura Lacey is a licensed massage therapist and a nutritional consultant. She works exclusively with women and specializes in prenatal and postpartum massage. For the past 15 years she has been providing support through hands on massage, nutritional consulting, as well as making sure that her clients have the resources they need. Laura studied massage at the Swedish Institute in New York and got her nutritional certification from Hawthorne University. When her clients started asking questions about nutrition, Laura went back to school. She wanted to offer her clients advice that was evidence based. Laura’s practice is in Jersey City. She sees private clients for both massage and nutrition and regularly teaches baby massage and baby nutrition workshops in her own studio as well as at local hospitals and parenting centers. Laura also offers two video courses, “Baby Massage – The Gift of Love” and Baby Nutrition, “Breast Bottle Bowl.” These are available on her website.