Annie  Juneau, ND

Annie Juneau, ND

Annie Juneau was the unlikeliest of naturopaths: tennis pro as a teen, she was sidetracked by an injury that led her to modelling. But all was not glamour: she suffered from debilitating headaches, constant ear infections, severe heartburn and hypothyroidism. A routine checkup revealed a potential cancer that became her wake-up call. This led her to study naturopathy and achieve her certification 2005. Convinced of the link between health and a healthy gut, she specialized in hydrotherapy in 2006. With both these diplomas in hand, she founded her own clinic, Vitacru. Still fueled by her passion for health, she was led to the Gerson Therapy. Now Chief Resident with the Gerson Institute and working on a full certification by the end of 2017, fifteen clients are presently under her supervision and care. Highly intuitive and still as passionate, she continues to fine-tune the Gerson protocol to further advance the collective understanding of the human body.