Lindsey  Goldwasser

Lindsey Goldwasser

In 2010, Lindsey began her career as an Early Childhood Special Education Teacher (her dream job). As she settled further into her stressful 9-5, she noticed a shift in her digestion and suddenly foods that used to fuel her left her exhausted and in pain. Lindsey’s diet became more and more limited due to chronic sinus infections and digestive troubles. In 2015, Lindsey decided it was time to take control back of her health and shifted her lifestyle from sickness to wellness. She obtained her RYT-200 Hour Training in Arlington, VA as well as her Prenatal Yoga Certification in Santa Monica, CA. Lindsey later went on to graduate from the Integrative Institute of Nutrition (IIN), where she learned that the body is able to heal itself, as she witnessed first hand. Lindsey became mindful in her physical movements and in touch with her intuition. She shifted from teaching young children to coaching motivated women with less than stellar digestion.