Charles  Garfield PhD

Charles Garfield PhD

Dr. Charles Garfield has been recognized internationally as the founder of the Shanti Project. For over forty years, he has pioneered the development of service-oriented volunteer organizations and the training of volunteers and health professionals in a wide variety of applications. For his work with Shanti, and for originating the Shanti Model of Peer SupportTM, Dr. Garfield was named National Activist of the Year – one of America’s highest awards to individuals making voluntary contributions in public service. For over four decades, Dr. Garfield served as Clinical Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California School of Medicine at San Francisco. Dr. Garfield is the author of twelve books, most recently the widely respected Life’s Last Gift: Giving and Receiving Peace When A Loved One Is Dying. He is currently a Research Scholar at the Starr King School of the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley.