Nicole O'Brien

Nicole O'Brien

Nicole O’Brien is a marketing leader with more than 20 years of experience in global tech companies. She has lived in the high-tech fast lane, working inside and leading marketing, customer service, and partner marketing organizations to drive bottom-line growth. Companies like NTT, Cisco, Unisys, GCE, and Saturn Technologies, operating in hotly competitive markets, have been the proving grounds for Nicole’s experience. She has worked extensively with ABM strategies over the years of rapid change and the continuing maturation of technology and social media platforms. Nicole is a tech enthusiast and social media evangelist. Her current focus has been on ABM, lead generation, and social media marketing strategy for national professional services firm Tycko & Zavareei. She is also a founder and president of the Sales Enablement Society (, a global organization dedicated to the advancement and elevation of the sales enablement profession.