Dr. Bill Abbott

Dr. Bill Abbott

Dr Bill Abbott is a Dr.of Chiropractic expertise extraordinaire as he is well recognized not only in his chosen medical profession by his piers but also his incredible following of patients which includes famous personalities, airline personnel, sports figures and teams. He is the CEO and Founder of CA Senior Guide a publication that has been seen all over Southern CA as it is widely distributed from Los Angeles to San Diego and the Inland Empire. Up until the COVID19 pandemic CA Senior Guide was expanding to Arizona and Florida and still has plans of sending this magazine across America. Bill and his lovely wife Grace have been involved with this informative and advertorial magazine since 2016 to the present day. The uniqueness of this magazine is that it is never published unless a Hollywood Star is portrayed on its front cover. Bill is also a radio host where he relays pertinent informatiion and copy about the Senior Community. Bill and Grace reside in the Southern CA area and currently have two sons who are both in medical school abroad. Dr. Bill Abbott is truly a premier medical professional, entrepreneur, a sought after speaker and an outspoken influencer with regard to issues that impact the Senior Community. Bill is a mover and shaker in the World of Seniors and an Innovator par excellence.