Nina Alli

Nina Alli

Nina Alli has 15 years of experience in the NYC ambulatory and hospital environments for managing the complexities of modernization of legacy systems within the healthcare industry. Her journey began when electronic medical records, associated IoMT devices and applications connectivity, were conceptually new and laws were being adapted to meet the novel technologies. From this insight, as Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Biohacking Village for the past seven years, Nina has taken the lessons and experiences to grow nine talks to five labs designed to engage and educate folks on the aspects impacting practices of care to focus on the biotechnology, citizen science, and cybersecurity of the healthcare industry and biomedical ecosystem. Nina is a member of the Infragard NYC Metro Chapter, and has participated in their Cyber Medical Conference in 2018. With continued focus on education, she was an iQ4 Mentors Council at John Jay University and gives talks with focus on Electronic Medical Record, Infrastructure, Interoperability, Resilience, IoT Connected Medical Device, and Micro Sectors within healthcare. Nine was also a STEM Fellow at the New York Academy of Science, and Nina has also worked on a microfluidics device to decrease lab result time to thirty minutes at the NYU Veterans Future Lab. Nina has two Masters degrees, Biomedical and Health Informatics as well as Translational Medicine. She is currently working on a third Masters Degree from King’s College London.