Lauren T.

Lauren T.

"In The Big Book Simplified, Lauren T. aims to clarify the key messages in The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. The workbook follows the chapter format of The Big Book, and each chapter concludes with multiple choice and discussion questions. Lauren, an active member of Overeaters Anonymous, wrote this book with a fellow recovering in A.A. They generalize the message of healing to all addicts by writing about “addiction” instead of “alcoholism.” Several rehab facilities are teaching the book to their clients, and it sits on the shelves of many bookstores, including Lauren is also working on other business ideas related to recovery from addiction. She has extensive marketing experience working for Fortune 500 companies and startups alike in industries ranging from television to finance. In her free time, Lauren likes to practice yoga, travel, cook and read. She is a native Californian who has lived in Connecticut, New York, England, Spain, and Israel."