Dr. Edward F Group

Dr. Edward F Group

Dr. Group is the Founder & CEO of Global Healing and The Global Healing Institute. As a world-renowned Naturopathic Practitioner, Cancer Researcher, and compassionate visionary – His goal is nothing less than changing the world. Global Healing is recognized as one of the largest organic health resources in the world, helping millions to embrace full-body detoxification, the self-healing mechanism, and address the root cause of disease. Dr. Group is a truthseeker, veteran of the U.S Army, and alumni of both Harvard and MIT business schools. He is a best-selling author with over 25 million views on YouTube, and a frequent guest on television, documentaries, and major publications. Emphasizing "a doctor's job is to educate, not prescribe," - He recently launched his online school, "The Global Healing Institute." Through this vision that is 25+ years in the making - he empowers others with the knowledge to take control of their own health, happiness, and life.