Colleen Smailes

Colleen Smailes

Colleen Smailes Colleen first became aware of Lou Gehrig’s disease when her husband Clayton was diagnosed in 2003 at the age of 31. He died in the summer of 2009. Her project for 2010 is becoming a coordinator for a Walk, a first for Kamloops, BC, her hometown, to raise awareness of the disease and funds for research to determine its cause and to find its cure. She lives on a small hobby farm with her two sons Nolan (7) and Justin (6). Currently an Elementary Teacher, she holds the Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Geography, minor in English and the Bachelor of Education, with a concentration in Early Primary Literacy. In addition to teaching, she coaches volleyball and basketball at the elementary level. She and her sons are active in sports outside of school, including soccer, hockey, swimming and skiing. She believes that from friendship, rearing of live stock and cultivation of the soil is learned the value of responsibility that is essential in life.