Rob Hopkins

Rob Hopkins

Rob Hopkins originated the Transition Towns concept, which promotes community-driven responses to peak oil that focus on cooperative effort to meet basic needs locally and sustainably. Realizing that the era of cheap oil is coming to an end, Rob proposes the Transition response, in which we prepare ourselves for life with expensive and potentially scarce levels of oil, sacrificing luxuries to build systems and communities that are independent of fossil fuels. In just a few years, his work has inspired an international movement of people and communities pursuing Transition initiatives. A teacher of permaculture and natural building techniques, Rob is co-founder of the Transition Network and author of The Transition Handbook: From oil dependency to local resilience (2008). He is a fellow of the Post Carbon Institute, a trustee of the Soil Association (UK), the winner of the 2008 Schumacher Award, and a fellow of Ashoka International.