Todd Aaron

Todd Aaron

Numerus Capital serves businesses that hear from their customers that they lack the cash to buy from you TODAY. In that instance, Numerus Capital provides businesses with the ability to say “Yes, you can” by providing customer financing that Eliminates Lost Sales and Price Objections. Numerus Capital provides businesses access to a loan origination platform with 35+ lenders on it giving you a second tool in your toolbox to close every sale up to $100,000. This makes your offerings more accessible to a larger audience, enables you to close more and higher- ticket sales with your ideal customers while maximizing your customers’ purchasing power with you. Numerus Capital even provides Everyone Approved, 100% Approval Rate financing programs so no sale is left behind. Numerus Capital also specializes in providing credit card processing services that eliminate most of your credit card processing transaction expenses. These services waterfalls 2% to 3% in pure profit back to your bottom line to help you keep more of the money you make. Prior to founding Numerus Capital, Todd Aaron owned and ran the second largest privately held customer finance company before selling it to private equity. This business processed 3,500 credit applications per week and funded $1,200,000 in new weekly business.