Reginald L. Jensen

Reginald L. Jensen

Reginald L. Jensen has lived in San Jose, California, since 1986. He and his wife have three daughters. He’s been in the life insurance and securities business for 56 years. He holds Chartered Life Underwriter, Certified Financial PlannerTM, Chartered Financial Consultant, and Certified Senior Advisor designations. Reginald holds a BS degree in economics. He is the author of Judicial Deception where he uncovers fraudulent practices in our system of justice. If you've ever been in a courtroom, you'll want to know the truth...nothing but the truth. In his book, Thirty-Seven Years Ago My Doctor Told Me I had Three Years To Live, Jensen takes you step-by-step through his remarkable journey to health, focusing on the key points needed to achieve wellness. Commitment and discipline are imperative to accomplishing your health goals, as well as proper eating habits, regular exercise, and the development of a positive attitude. His extraordinary story will inspire you to begin your own journey to wellness. Reginald has been interviewed on Starstyle-Be the Star You Are! on April 1 and 15, 2010 for his two books. You can read more about him at under Distinguished Guests.