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The Infinite Human Talk Show

The Infinite Human Talk Show

Monday at 9 AM PST


Because “Twin Souls” are so powerful and essential to ascension, this hierogamic union has been the most hijacked throughout history. Whether you believe it or not everyone has a twin soul or other half, you just may not both be alive and in the same time frame or in masculine or feminine bodies or in conditions where you are able to marry and come together in harmony. When souls are incarnate and come together in the sacred Hierogamic Union they become unstoppable because together they hold extremely high frequencies. Because of this the controllers have done everything possible to stop them

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Monday at 9 AM PST on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel
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Share Email Share this E-mail 14/05/2024 09:00 14/05/2024 10:00 The Infinite Human Talk Show Because “Twin Souls” are so powerful and essential to ascension, this hierogamic union has been the most hijacked throughout history. Whether you believe it or not everyone has a twin soul or other half, you just may not both be alive and in the same time frame or in masculine or feminine bodies or in conditions where you are able to marry and come together in harmony. When souls are incarnate and come together in the sacred Hierogamic Union they become unstoppable because together they hold extremely high frequencies. Because of this the controllers have done everything possible to stop them from incarnating at the same time or if they are both alive they have done everything to stop them from coming together. This is why history is filled with tales of Romeo and Juliet’s unrequited love. Or movies like Somewhere in Time where souls miss each other due to being born out of sync or winter-spring romances, or same-sex marriages. Or if souls are fortunate enough to find each other against all odds and overcome their initial aversion towards one another based on all the pain and traumas inflicted on them throughout history they are often only allowed to stay together for a short time to do their service to humanity. Then too often one must sacrifice themselves and leave. The grief associated with the loss of a twin soul is unbearable. Only those who have experienced this deep undying love in the physical can relate to the never-ending pain associated with losing your twin flame which always leads back to the first time we were literally ripped apart by “the false gods”. When Twin souls first took on physical form in their twelve-stranded Krystala bodies although they had six strands of DNA in the physical which were expressed as masculine and feminine the other six strands of DNA remained braided together. So they were literally ONE. ““ According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves... ...and when one of them meets the other half, the actual half of himself, the pair are lost in an amazement of love, friendship and intimacy and one will not be out of the other’s sight , even for a moment ...» “Love is born into every human being; it calls back the halves of our original nature together; it tries to make one out of two and heal the wound of human nature.” PLATO At one time, when our polarities were balanced, we were the embodiment of both male and female. Both aspects of our soul resided harmoniously together in one body. According to Ancient Greek Mythology, we humans were in such a state of eternal bliss, that we refused to properly “honor” the “gods.” As punishment, we were split into two parts “male” and “female” and cast to the far ends of the Earth. This is the origin of our instinctive desire for union with the opposite sex, VoiceAmerica | Talk Radio | Online Talk Radio false DD/MM/YYYY Add to Calendar
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